
A few days ago I installed the WordPress Mobile Edition plugin on this blog. It presents a “mobile” edition of my website. It looks pretty cool if you’re using an iPhone. If you don’t have an iPhone, don’t sweat… you can tell Firefox to pretend by changing the user agent. Type “about:config” in the address bar, and then find the general.useragent.extra.firefox setting. Take note of the current value and then replace it with this:
Mozilla/5.0 (iPhone; U; CPU like Mac OS X; en) AppleWebKit/420+ (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/3.0
Now you can browse to my site again and you should see it as if you were on an iPhone. Cool, huh? Thanks to Crowd Favorite for making this plugin for WordPress.

Kenya, Miscellaneous

I bought a Nokia 2630 phone a few weeks ago. It has Bluetooth and GPRS, the latter meaning that I can browse the net on the go. The former plus the latter meaning that I can browse the net from my computer via the phone using the Bluetooth. I got it working in a few minutes on my Zenwalk (Slackware) laptop, and now you can too!

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I upgraded this blog to the latest WordPress version (2.7). The only change that you’ll notice is a new “threaded comment” functionality which allows you to reply to other comments. I had to make some small tweaks to this site’s theme to enable the new comment stuff. I suppose this would also be a good time to post a link to my theme files just in case you’re interested in using it on your blog.

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