So I may have to deal with man-eating spiders and slimy snakes, but at least I’m eating good food! I have some hashed browns, toast, and eggs cooking on my new non-stick pan as we speak! Until next time, take care!
I thought I saw something the other night (I even tried to poke it), but now I’m sure… there’s a snake living in and or above the front door of my house. When I saw it a few nights ago it was high above my door in some little crevice in the bricks of my house. I know it’s a small little thing, but maybe it was hunting that huge, furry spider from earlier this week. I know you guys wouldn’t believe me unless I had hard evidence, so I snapped a quick photo.
I never knew snakes could climb on vertical rock walls and, unless it’s a snake/lizard hybrid, I am actually stumped as to how it got there. On a related note, I had a large stick insect on my curtain tonight as well. I don’t know what’s with the influx of creepy, crawly, slithery things lately, but maybe my prayer flags are just doing their thing. I’ll have you know that, other than shooing the spider and poking the snake, none of these critters have been harmed.
The Last Frontier?
We have lots of big animals in Africa, like lions, giraffes, hippos, etc. Well I have discovered a new tourist attraction in my very home: a man-eating spider was waiting above my front door when I came home tonight. As you may recall, this isn’t the first time I’ve had such an encounter… As I type the spider is staring at me, licking its lips, and I’m staring at the broom I’m going to use to whack the hell out of it.
I don’t usually kill them, but I just can’t take any chances with this one. I’m already freaked out when I enter a room and turn the light on, open a closet, put on a sweatshirt, slip into bed, or mess with the curtains. If it’s not a spider it’s a lizard, and if it’s not a lizard it’s a wasp; one time I even had a bat flying around inside the house when I got home at night. Oh, and don’t forget the dogs that run after me when I’m riding home after dark!
I can’t remember where they said the “Final Frontier” was, but Africa’s pretty frontiery… if you know what I mean. Now, if you’ll excuse me, I have to go shake all my clothes, move everything away from the walls, and change my bed sheets. Africa is not for the faint of heart!