There’s a DJ crew in Kenya called Supremacy Sounds. Their mix tapes are quite popular in matatus (public transport mini buses) and clubs, and I’ve even mentioned them before here on this blog. In addition to their mix tape skills, one of the reasons I like them is because of their understanding of the importance of the Internet in the music industry—they actually give away most (all?) of their music for free on their website. Anyways, for the longest time they went by the name Black Supremacy Sounds, and it always made me wonder how well received it would be if I started a new group called White Supremacy Sounds.
Music Copyrights in Kenya
Yesterday I happened to speak with some representatives from the Music Copyright Society of Kenya (MCSK) at an event promoting local music in Kenya. I was shocked to learn that, in Kenya, music works are granted copyright protection for 50 years after the death of the composer. I’m neither a musician nor a lawyer (so maybe I don’t “get it”), but it certainly seems like there is something wrong with that legislation.
For example, let’s say I’m twenty-five years old and I publish a song in the year 1900. If I die in 1960, at the age of eighty five, my copyright would have just expired this year (2010). Exactly whose interests is the copyright protecting fifty years after my death? Keep in mind, the song would have been published 110 years ago! Do you know what people were doing in Kenya ~100 years ago?

Gospel is the New Crunk
It’s really popular to be a gospel artist in Kenya these days. Where you’d normally have heard gangster rap or crunk music coming from Nairobi matatus (minibus used for public transport), now it’s not uncommon to hear songs praising Mungu (God). I have never liked gospel, but some of these tunes honestly sound like something a DJ would spin at dance club on a Friday night. Furthermore, because of my strong convictions (read: evangelical atheist), it’s almost embarrassing for me to admit that some of these “Goddy” tunes are really catchy. If you don’t understand Swahili you can just bob your head to the beat and forget I ever said anything.
Jaguar — Nimetoka Mbali
This one’s actually not about God, but it’s my favorite of the three so it goes first! I think this guy comes from Tanzania, because I’ve never heard of him (and I know everything about the music scene in Kenya!). The song’s title means “I’ve come from far.” I haven’t listened to it enough to understand what he’s actually saying. For now just enjoy!
Ekko Dydda — Niko Na Reason
He “has a reason” to clap, snap, and even to “bounce and swagger” — take a guess at what it is. Anyways, it’s a good song.
Ringtone — Pamela
A song about a girl who has fallen astray from the church. The chorus goes: Pamela njoo kwa mungu, bado anakupenda (Pamela come to God, he still loves you). It’s kinda sad, but something about it is catchy to me.
Because I live under a rock I depend entirely on the guys at GetMziki to find new music. They seem to have connections all over Africa, and even African connections in America and Europe, so there is always something for everyone on their blog. Another great website is the Kenyan-based DJ crew Black Supremacy. Don’t let the name fool you: they don’t hate white people, they just love making awesome mix tapes (you’ve probably heard at least one of their mixes in a matatu).