We set out from Nairobi on December 22nd at a breakneck pace — our sights are on Malawi, and we have two weeks to get there and back. By bus! It’s really far, but we’ve been to most of the cities in between before, so it doesn’t matter if we blow right through them.
Other than the first leg (Nairobi to Arusha) we weren’t quite sure on the route to take to get to southern Tanzania. Most of the reviews and blogs we read said to steer clear of Dodoma (capital of Tanzania) route due to crappy roads, so we figured it’d be a good bet to head directly to Moshi then ask around there. We learned pretty quickly that, from Morogoro, “barabara ni lami mpaka South Africa” (the road is tarmac all the way to South Africa). Haya, twende Morogoro basi (alright, let’s go to Morogoro then).