Kenya, Nature, Pictures, Travel

3964I went to Fourteen Falls with Pat this past weekend. It’s about an hour and a half drive from Tala via the Thika road route. The road isn’t too bad as long as you sit in the front of the truck (they only use modified pick-up trucks on this route for some reason). The fare was 100 shillings, which isn’t too bad. The other option is to go to Nairobi (150 shillings) and then to Thika (150 shillings), which takes you on a nicer road but eats an extra 400 or so shillings and a few hours of your time. There hasn’t been too much rain lately, so the water was a little low (and green…), but we still had a nice time relaxing with some snacks in the shade.

You can find the rest of the pictures here:

Kenya, Pictures

I got a package from my mom in the mail today and there was a digital camera inside. I was hanging out at my friend’s pharmacy after work so I decided to test the camera. Check me out!

In other news, I got a haircut a few days ago and it turned out a bit funny, hence the hat. Immediately after the haircut I went on a mission to find a hat and this was the only one that fit. I lost my Canadian hat a few weeks ago… I don’t know where I lost it; I guess that’s what losing something means, though.

Kenya, Pictures, Travel

I spent Christmas in Western Kenya with a Kenyan family I know but I’m just now getting around to posting the pictures. From what I’ve seen most Kenyans live in urban areas but keep some sort of home in their rural areas where they can spend time during the holidays. My friend’s family comes from Western Kenya, a place called Chepsaita, about an hour past Eldoret. I had only passed Western Kenya on a bus but never spent any time there. Christmas in Kenya was like any other day but with an extra-long church service thrown in. Besides, the big event was celebrating my friend’s brother’s circumcision.
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